Project Gallery
North Mercer Island & Enatai Interceptor Upgrade-Pump Station Improvements
KWH installed new steel beams and roof decking at the new generator building and existing pump station building of the North Mercer Island Pump Station.
Mud Mountain Dam Stop Log Replacement
The Army Corps of Engineers required a crane with a higher capacity to lift the stop logs for maintenance at Mud Mountain Dam.
BNSF - Car Shop Floor Jacks - Pasco WA
KWH furnished the new Car Shop Floor Jacks at the BNSF Yard in Pasco, WA.
Eastside Rail Corridor – NE 8th Street Crossing
KWH was tasked with the installation of six structural steel spans for the new pedestrian overpass over NE 8th Street.
AMEX Centurion Lounge Relocation Project
For the new AMEX Lounge at SeaTac, KWH erected a variety of steel for the project.
West Point Treatment Plant
KWH installed structural steel for the seismic upgrade of an active wastewater treatment plant.